Chipping vs Mulching

Much like a chipper, our mulching machinery turns trees, branches and other plant matter into mulch - fast!

So why don’t we just use a traditional chipper to get the job done like everyone else?

Our specialised mulching machinery is awesome. It can get a job done far faster than most chipping machinery. Just by driving over a tree or any other plant like a mower, we’re able to demolish it into mulch in practically seconds.

Saving tonnes of labour and time compared to using a chipping machine.


And on top of that, our machinery is a lot safer than traditional methods of chipping. You need a job done not only quickly, but you need it to be done as safely as possible to avoid injuries.

We can help you:

  • Remove trees

  • Clear land with ease

  • Turn plant matter into mulch

  • Remove orchards

  • Process waste

Watch our mulcher in action below!

The Mavericks